Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big Update! Kickstarter, Story Time, Comic Con and MORE!

I know it's been about two weeks without an update, but I promise that we've had good reason for the silence - we have been cookin'!

Release of "3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean" and "Story Time with Ray" have continued unabated and if you are reading this via a reader on on the blog page proper you should be able to see the newest episodes right here:

If not, then go to the Wiggy Webs channel and catch up on everything you've missed!

We were at San Diego ComiCon last week supporting Director Zeke Pinheiro and our friends with the short film "The Price." It was an official selection at the Comic Con International Independent Film Festival and we want to say congratulations to them and good luck tonight at the Action on Film Festival! We have some pictures from the convention on the Wiggy Facebook Fan Page. If you haven't liked up please give it a click.

Speaking of film projects, we have launched a Kickstarter campaign for "The Cheerleaders Must Die!" We are raising funds to hire our casting director and pay our story board artist to keep pre-production moving as we finalize our production financing. This project has been such a roller coaster, having been promised funds three times and each time having something fall though. Even though we've faced some adversity, there is significant interest in the project and we are getting this movie made! You can be an integral part of this equation by participating in this campaign!

"What ways can I help?" - The best way is to contribute directly to the campaign. We don't need a lot of money, in the grand scheme of things, but it is more than we can make available without help. Any amount is appreciated and we have some pretty cool rewards for those willing to give!

"What if I can't donate? What then?" - Help us get the word out! Crowd source financing requires a crowd and the further it gets out the bigger the crowd! You can copy & paste this link: http://kck.st/qZtHxk It takes you right to the campaign and all the pertinent info.

 Tell a friend!  Tell twelve!

Well, back to work! Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Story Time with Ray is LATE!

Sorry about the delay with "Story Time with Ray," but it is now up and ready for your eyeballs.  We did something a little bit different this week, taking a break from the Dr. Suess A B C's to bring you a little message for America.  It would have been perfect if we had posted it on Independence Day, but we were on vacation so imagine this all happened a week ago.

New "3 Minutes" launch tomorrow with all kinds of fun new subjects based on your suggestions and audience response to the last set of videos. I think you'll enjoy them.

See you soon!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Hope you all had a great 4th of July!  We here at WVS enjoyed celebrating our film independence as well as America's birthday!  Sorry if you missed "Story Time with Ray" and "3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean," but I'd like to assure you that, even though we took the week off, we are back proud and strong next week!  If fact we even have a "3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean" Teaser!

Make sure to return to Wiggy Webs next week - or go now and subscribe so you never miss an episode!

See you soon!