Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wiggy VonSchtick Productions Opposes SOPA & PIPA

The proposed bills in Congress known as SOPA and PIPA are a big deal and so are the issues they claim to deal with.

Piracy is a big deal, Wiggy VonSchtick has been a victim, but the internet isn't going anywhere and people's abilities to acquire whatever they want whenever they want is only going to get easier even if these bills pass.

Nanny laws only hurt people who follow the law, criminals just find a way around them.

These are complex problems that require big ideas, not censorship.  

New, young entertainment business minds are already thinking of ways to curtail piracy and it's working. Look at Louis C.K. He managed to shoot and release a downloadable comedy show and made profits that he couldn't imagine.

Make no mistake, this is about money and how large studios make it - not about the viewer or the art of entertainment and all of that is fine! It's required to make the big kinds of movies that people love to go see, but these pieces of legislation are not the ways to make entertainment profitable in the future.  I know that the big studios are using scare tactics to try and force creatives to their side, but these bills shoot a creative's future in the foot.

Please follow these links:

In a bizarre coincidence we are changing hosting companies so the WVS website may be down, including our email server. We have a general Gmail account that we will be using during the switch-over: 


We hope you don't notice this switch-over, but just in case here's the plan B.

Please help maintain an open internet.

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